Thursday, May 26, 2011

Old Wedding photos.

look at that corsage!
He's serious, she's  happy.
She's pooped! He made her dance every single  dance.

I like this couple. They look like they are really fun!


When did the custom of no corsages start. All of these brides have them.

They looked  exhausted.

here's the happy, fun couple, again!

look at that hair style.

I love the  painted background and the 3-d set.

bride and maid of honor?
I love the flowers  surrounding her head and shoulders.

 on the back of one of the  photos

another back of a photo
I bought an album of early 20th century wedding photos. I don't know if  these  couples were related, or someone just  combined  them.  I am going to make wedding gift cards out of them. I'm going to play around with tepia toning them, maybe change colors altogether.  I can't wait to start!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a lovely selection of photo's Leslie, they will make wonderful gift cards. Thank you so much for your kind comment on my sisters wedding stationary, have a wonderful weekend! Tracey xxx

  3. I absolutely adore old photos. My children and I will sit around and make up very fun stories about the subjects.
